নাশনাল হাসপাতাল চট্টগ্রাম

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30, Mehdibagh, Chittagong, মেহেদিবাগ রোড, চট্টগ্রাম, চট্টগ্রাম, Bangladesh. View map
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নাশনাল হাসপাতাল চট্টগ্রাম


We provide wide access to Sigma Diagnostic Testing services through our laboratories and patient service centers
We provide explanatory suggestions through our extensive medical and scientific staff. Hospital and Sigma Diagnostic is a pioneer in developing innovative diagnostic tests and advanced health service information technology solutions to help improve patient care.


There are many risk factors in the present time, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, etc. without any symptoms or signs that grow inside the body, which can lead to complex complications in your daily life, and even lead to sudden death. Therefore, every health conscious person should ensure regular health check-up through health check-up and prevent diseases and illness. If any disease is diagnosed at the very beginning it can be easily treated. As a result, it can be possible to diagnose any serious disorder or premature physical condition. Remember that you are not sick, that does not mean that you are completely healthy and complete immunity.


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