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আধুনিক ডায়াগনস্টিক হোম পাবনা

Modern Diagnostic Home Ltd. is an advanced Center for diagnostic and medical services. It is one of the prestigious diagnostic complexes in Bangladesh which started its activities in 1983. Modern Diagnostic Home Ltd. is the largest diagnostic services provider organization in the private sector of the country. It is been a pioneer in introducing world latest medical equipment and advanced technology to provide round the clock medical investigations and consultancy services.

quality: Operating at the highest standards of safe and ethical practices and demonstrating continuous improvement as per the guideline of CDC laboratory, USA standard.

Effectiveness: Selecting the most appropriate services to produce the desired tests results.

Integration: We are committed to providing clear pathways by ensuring collaboration, consultation, effective communication with health checkup service to the clients.

Caring for the Community: We are committed to promoting health check-up services, laboratory tests and providing care based on a commitment to our clients.

Caring for Our Staff: We are committed to caring for the health of our staff and developing a culture of trust and training for personal growth.
