মেরিস্টপ ক্লিনিক ফেনী

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Shaid Shahidullah Kaiser Road Panchagachia Sarak, , ফেনী সদর, ফেনি, Bangladesh. View map
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মেরিস্টপ ক্লিনিক ফেনী

arie Stopes Bangladesh seeks to exceed the expectations of clients and partners for quality, cost-effective SRH and PHC services, reach out to the poor and extreme poor and vulnerable through participative behavior change communication and outreach service delivery, and build effective partnership for SRH and SRH rights with NGOs, GoB and civil society. MSB strongly believes in organizational sustainability, and is working relentlessly to establish a sound institutional base. Ultimately, MSB measures its success by the women and men it helps, and the sustainable impact it makes on the lives of the people it serves.


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