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ইনস্টিটিউট অব চেস্ট ডিজেস

Institute Of Chest diseases Hospital is a general hospital. It is a great pleasure for me to bring out the Health Bulletin’2015 of NIDCH. This is the only tertiary level center in the country for management of complicated TB and Chest diseases of Bangladesh. It was established as “TB hospital” in 1955, upgraded in 1962 as “Institute of Chest Diseases and Hospital” and started Post-graduate course “Diploma in Tuberculosis Chest Diseases” and it was the first Post-graduate Institute in Dhaka. It was upgraded in 2002 as “National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital”. Introduction of “MD course in Chest Diseases” in 1992 and “MS in Thoracic Surgery” in 1999 are the milestone for this institute in the field of respiratory medicine & thoracic surgery human resource development. Subsequently “FCPS in Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery” courses introduced & these are also a further addition for development of human resources of the country. Establishment of “National Asthma Centre” bring asthma and COPD management under a uniform “National Guideline”. Establishment of “National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory” strengthen the “Tuberculosis Control Programme” through appropriate diagnosis and management of “MDR-TB” patient. Introduction of CT Scan further improved the diagnosis of the patients and thus made patient management earlier and more perfect This institute



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